DInamic Cornerstone Income Protection®

Most people underestimate the risk of experiencing a disability, but it’s more common than you might think. And if you haven’t planned adequately for it, your financial freedom may drastically change. When you’re not able to earn an income due to an illness or injury, your living expenses don’t go away.

DInamic Cornerstone Income Protection from Ameritas is disability income insurance and it helps protect your most important financial resource: the ability to earn an income. It’s the cornerstone to financial freedom.

The cornerstone for your financial well-being

DInamic Cornerstone® provides paycheck protection with a traditional monthly benefit when you’re unable to work and earn an income due to an illness or injury. It can be used to pay bills, cover medical expenses or help maintain your lifestyle.

Protect your financial freedom

A financial professional can help you design a disability income insurance policy that’s right for you.

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Design coverage in three steps

Building a policy is easy with DInamic Cornerstone®. It offers design flexibility and options so you can control the cost and coverage by customizing your income protection.

Step 1: Select a plan

Pick a plan by deciding what is most important to you. Do you want a rate guarantee or to save on your cost of insurance? Either way, you’re protecting your income. Both plans allow you flexibility to design your coverage based on policy features or cost savings. You can also select when benefits begin and how long they’re payable.

Step 2: Select a definition of total disability

Choose between three definitions of disability. Your definition determines if benefits are payable in specific instances.

Step 3: Add riders

Riders can further enhance and customize your paycheck protection. For an additional premium, we have a selection of riders that can be added to customize your policy. Some examples include options for returning to work on a limited basis, student loan repayment and cost of living adjustments.

Business owners

If you’re a business owner, attract top-quality employees by providing disability income insurance. Contact a financial professional to protect your business, your employees and yourself with disability insurance from Ameritas.

Ameritas can help

Your ability to earn an income is your most important financial resource. Protecting it is a cornerstone to your financial freedom. Ask your financial professional to design a DInamic Cornerstone Income Protection policy that’s right for you.

Protect your financial freedom

A financial professional can help you design a disability income insurance policy that’s right for you.

Find a Financial Professional