Losing talented healthcare workers is never easy. And the cost to find, hire and train replacement employees can be expensive. Research shows that most businesses spend six to nine months of the position’s salary to hire and train each new employee.
Employment at hospitals and doctors’ offices has returned to pre-pandemic levels. However, other healthcare industries such as skilled nursing and elderly care are still experiencing relatively low employment levels. The competition for talented healthcare workers is fierce, so the hiring process can take a while. Current employees may get burned out and their morale can suffer as they take on extra work until a new team member is hired.
Keeping talented employees engaged and on the job is more cost effective than losing them. Review four ways to boost employee engagement in healthcare and retain these workers:
1. Prioritize well-being
Showing concern for employees’ overall well-being should be at the heart of your retention strategy. Research shows that healthcare workers are likely to feel chronically overwhelmed, and that some even plan to leave their jobs due to difficult working conditions.
Investing in employee belonging and recognition will go a long way toward supporting employee engagement and the organization’s growth. Research shows that employee engagement correlates directly with positive care experiences for patients and families.
Enhance employee well-being by scheduling different activities every month that workers can do together. Encourage employees to share their experiences and feelings and support each other. Team members will feel more connected to each other and more engaged and productive at work. Schedule get-togethers during work hours for the best attendance.
Learn more about the connection between well-being programs and business culture to enhance employee satisfaction and productivity.
2. Provide benefits workers want
Many healthcare organizations offer employee benefits to keep workers healthier, more satisfied and engaged on the job. Employees also want benefits for the security they provide.
Employees say that an excellent benefits package helps them feel cared about by their employer. Benefits also keep them energized at work, so they’re less likely to leave for a different job.
Know the benefits and perks your employees value by asking for their feedback. Regularly conduct pulse surveys to find out the issues on workers’ minds. After gathering this information, work with your broker and insurance carriers to design the benefits employees want.
Review these tips on surveying workers about their benefits. Also, review tips on how to design employee benefits plans for healthcare workers.
3. Give employees a voice
These days, many employees feel detached from their employers. Healthcare workers at understaffed facilities might be working more to make up for lost resources. They don’t have time to stay current on their organization’s decisions and changes.
Give employees a voice by engaging them in discussions about proposed future directives and community needs. Whenever possible, ask for their input on decisions, such as work schedules, department operations, patient and family relationships, and new health care directives. The goal is to get employees involved. They’ll be more satisfied and less likely to look for other job opportunities.
4. Appreciate employee differences
Healthcare organizations usually have employees from several generations and demographics working together. It’s essential to recognize and celebrate their differences and acknowledge how they all support the organization’s growth and development.
Organize team-building sessions to help workers get to know and appreciate each other. When workers understand one another better, they work together better. Investing in team-building activities helps improve employees’ sense of belonging.
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