Growing your Business

As a business owner, you know a growing business is a successful business. Often times, you’re so involved in the day-to-day operations, you don’t invest the time you need to develop a business strategy – a plan to truly grow the business you’ve created.

First, do you know your mission? A mission statement may sound cliche, but it’s vital to create one and follow it every day.

Second, it’s so important to get the basic structure of your business right. Look to developing partners and relationships with contractors and suppliers that can best serve your business needs.

Third, make sure you have the right people in key leadership roles. Many times the success or failure of a small business hinges on the fact they don’t identify team members who share the same passion and goals. 

Fourth, ensure you have a strong purpose and ethics. It may sound simple, but having this at the core of your business resonates with both employees and customers.

Fifth, as we hear so often, the devil is in the details. Taking time to do the little things can often times make the difference between building a business and simply surviving.

Finally, listen to your customers and respond whenever you can. More and more, the customer has the power to make your business succeed or fail. Take the time to listen and react. This will pay dividends long into the future.

At Ameritas, we are committed to helping you grow your business. From retirement plans to group dental, vision and hearing care, we can help.