Starting a New Job

Begin with a solid financial strategy.

Putting off the basics when you’re just starting out, like reducing debt, starting a savings program and planning for retirement, only makes things more difficult down the road. The sooner you start the better off you are.

You’ll want to create an emergency fund equal to three to six month’s worth of basic living expenses. When you consider all the demands on your monthly budget, the thought of setting aside money for long-term savings probably seems daunting. Fortunately, time is on your side. Hypothetically speaking, through the power of compound interest, just $25 a week set aside over 15 years builds a nest egg of more than $31,000, assuming a 6% annual return. (Your actual results may vary.)

If you haven’t already, enroll in your company’s 401(k) retirement savings plan. As this may likely be the primary source of your retirement savings, the earlier you start, the better. Many companies even match employee 401(k) contributions, so make the most of this free money.

It’s also important to protect your dental, vision and hearing for the long run. If your employer offers these benefits, that’s wonderful! If not, check out our individual plans. These plans are portable and go where you go.